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Sonia Portugal-Hamm
+49 (0) 30 89061 229
Join us as leading companies including Alfred Kärcher, Fraunhofer IESE, KUKA, Peiner SMAG Lifting Technologies, SKF Group, Meyer Turku share insights into how to master they are increasing complexity through a efficient Variant Management and Modularisation to maintain the balance between customer requirements and cost and resource efficiency.
Our expert speakers will focus on overcoming increasing product portfolio complexity through holistically integrated Variant Management and how to reduce variants by cost-benefit analysis, without restricting the product portfolio. Discuss with your peers how to maintain customer satisfaction and optimise the product portfolio. Explore how to fulfil flexibly the individual customer needs by a modular management and modularised products. Look into the optimisation of the processes along the Product Lifecycle in order to reduce the product related process complexity and to reduce Lead Times.
18th - 19th May 2022
Park Inn, Cologne‚ Germany
10th Edition
Master the Increasing Complexity through Cost- and Resource- Efficient Variant Management, Modularisation and Building Block Management as well as with Efficient, Holistic End-to-End Processes
The standard registration fees for this event is €1995, however we have identified that based on your profile you may qualify for one of our VIP places at a discounted rate of €495. Complete the below if you would like to apply for one of these discounted places. Once submitted our VIP registrations team will confirm your attendance and provide a final confirmation