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Flexibility plays an important role in demand response. Could you please elaborate on the importance of demand response and demand side flexibility?
The transition to a green economy, comes with the system balancing challenges that many renewables, such as wind and solar bring. The intermittency of wind and solar can be balanced by conventional power plants, distributed generation assets or through demand side flexibility.

Demand side flexibility can help in delivering a greener solution to energy balancing issues that arise from intermittent renewables and also reduce Transmission System infrastructure costs, by shaving off the peaks in national demand.

We are only beginning to scratch the surface in regards to demand side flexibility. For many customers, this journey begins with simple demand curtailment and evolves with incentives from ancillary services and wholesale energy trading markets to deliver dynamic demand side flexibility. The
customer would be willing and be able to switch their planned consumption many times during each day in response to differences between forecast and actual renewable output and issues with thermal generation.

How can storage solutions help with capacity management and intermittency of renewable energy?
Traditionally, energy has been produced and used on an instantaneous basis. Storage gives the additional dimension of shifting from times of excess supply, i.e. when windy and/or sunny; to periods of shortage because of low wind or cloud cover.

This can also help in delivering a greener solution to energy balancing issues that arise from intermittent renewables and also reduce Transmission System infrastructure costs, by shaving off the peaks in national demand.

Battery storage makes an excellent partner to Solar PV, in its ability to store energy from sunlight during the day and discharge as we move to the higher demand periods in the early evening as people come home from their jobs and begin cooking the family meal.

Storage solutions need not be limited to battery storage. As an example, additional fuel storage for anaerobic digestion with a less than 80% load factor can help in balancing an energy system in response to signals from the wholesale energy trading market. To some extent, industrial processes can also be perceived as storage, e.g. temperature in a room.

How are aggregators changing the landscape for Ancillary Services and how can customers profit?
We can see that the traditional providers of Ancillary Services are challenged by the “missing money” problem. New providers, like aggregators have been changing the landscape for ancillary services for some years now. Many companies form the role of an aggregator in bringing together smaller flexibility and presenting this either for trading on the wholesale energy trading markets or alternatively presenting this to the transmission system operator for ancillary services.

The positive benefits of this have been seen in the dampening effect on the volatility of energy prices and imbalance prices over the last few years.

Moreover, customers can offer their flexibility into our own balancing scheme, the Renewable Energy Reserve, where we utilize our customer’s flexibility to balance our wind portfolio.

Since distributed energy resources are becoming economically attractive in integrated solutions, we offer “Energy as a Service”, a new value proposition guaranteeing customers energy cost savings within investment costs. We combine all that DONG Energy can offer into one integrated
solution, reducing cost and risk, and improving customer sustainability, and where viable, investing in the installation of new assets.

What would you like to achieve by attending the 9th Edition European Electricity Ancillary and Balancing Forum?
The European Commission’s proposal of rules for consumer centred clean energy transition, also known as the “Winter Package” will shape the discussions for the next years to come. The efficiency targets, the governance rules and the anticipated active involvement of consumers in the energy system will have a huge impact on the future market design. I am looking forward to discuss these impacts and get more views from the other participants.

I am also interested to gather more insights from the featured presentations and get in touch with the other professionals during the two days of the conference.

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Yiota Andreou


Ahead of the 9th Edition European Electricity Ancillary and Balancing Forum , we spoke with Thomas Kudela, Senior Commercial Developer at DONG Energy, about the importance of demand response and demand side flexibility and how aggregators are changing the landscape for Ancillary Services.

Practical Insights From:
  • 50Hertz Transmission GmbH
  • Swissgrid
  • Elering AS
  • Endesa
  • Energi Danmark A/S
  • Drax Power
  • Energy Regulatory Office 
  • Elektro Liubliana 
  • EON
  • APG
  • Eurelectric


About the Conference:

This 9th edition marcus evans conference will explore the regulatory developments in the face of the impending balancing guidelines on the horizon and will cover the best strategies to utilise demand response and demand side flexibility. It will also strive to analyse the commercial practicalities of Grid-level storage and how these can be integrated into the balancing markets and RES. Finally, we provide practical solutions to optimising strategies for improved ancillary services and provide insight into integrating RES into balancing and internal markets. The 9th Edition European Electricity Ancillary and Balancing Forum will take place from the 20th to 21st of April 2017 in Amsterdam.


Copyright © 2016 Marcus Evans. All rights reserved.

Previous Attendees Include:
  • Drax Power
  • Eneco Energy
  • Swisscom Energy Solutions
  • Verbund Trading GmbH
  • 50Hertz Transmission GmbH
  • ABB
  • Alstom
  • Austrian Power Grid AG
  • Danske Commodities A/S
  • Enel Produzione SpA

About the speaker:

Thomas Kudela is a senior regulatory specialist in the Nordic, Great British, German and EU power markets with special focus on aggregators and flexibility. He is the Regulatory Manager of DONG Energy’s Flexibility Solutions Programme and responsible for the development of market intelligence in DONG Energy Distribution and Customer Solutions. In this context, his major tasks are strategic development, regulatory impact assessment, as well as business solution design.
Further, he supports DONG Energy Sales’ commercial development in Great Britain, Germany and Denmark and participates in relevant regulatory market design initiatives. Thomas has contributed to numerous projects in the field of Smart Energy.


How aggregators are changing the landscape for Ancillary Services






An interview with the Senior Commercial Developer of DONG Energy

Thomas Kudela, Senior Commercial Developer at DONG Energy

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