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Complimentary Webinar

Technologies to Maximize Savings with CJR and Bundled Payments

The new world of bundled payments where hospitals have financial responsibility for the entire episode of care has given rise to many new technologies aimed at lowering costs, improving outcomes and delivering better care.  Not all of the new technologies are equal; some will be more effective or easier to use than others.
This webinar seeks to provide some practical guidance to technologies that have been proven to be beneficial across many types of bundles.

Webinar Discussion

In partnership with

Jim Gera

Signature Medical Group

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Stuart Morris-Hipkins


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Presented By

Financial implications of CJR and Bundled payments (upside opportunity and downside risk)
Technologies that can drive cost savings: Analytics, Care Navigation and OR Suite
Technology savings case studies
How to implement the solutions


During this complimentary session, our speakers cover: